Actelion: Continuous Strategic Dialogue
In September 2011, Actelion cooperated with MeyerMonitor to organize a strategic off-site with its employees. MeyerMonitor framed and designed the flow of the day and facilitated the workshops. To have a clear starting point, strategy awareness among participating employees was measured before the event. The overall purpose of the day was to get the employees connected to the strategy and with each other. The results of the poll were discussed and evaluated during the workshop. Afterwards, every participant completed an online evaluation survey - reactions were extremely positive!

As a knowledge organization in the medical industry, Actelion is dependent on the speed with which knowledge is shared and applied within the organization. Continuous online dialogue is an effective lever to share and co-create knowledge with speed and efficiency. The off-site served as the launch of the strategic dialogue among all Actelion employees in the Netherlands. Directly after the off-site, Actelion opened an internal twitter-feed, which is currently used by every employee to continuously share knowledge around client initiatives and medical developments. Besides that, in the week after the off-site, Actelion directly started to implement the takeaways from the workshop.
Subsequently Actelion started to design their yearly strategic dialogue process ("strategic clock"), including strategy awareness measurements to assess and monitor the impact of off-sites and other interventions.