Client cases

  • “Boost organizational culture” was one of the missions of both Wim Mul, HR Director at Schiphol Group from 2006 until 2012, and Jos Nijhuis, CEO since 2009. People engagement has traditionally been a strong part of the Schiphol organizational culture, while willingness to change and flexibility have been weaker elements of that culture. To foster entrepreneurial spirit and a focus on results, Nijhuis and Mul launched the ‘I… Schiphol!’ program at the end of 2009.

    Although change managers are often tempted to appeal to a 'we-feeling' within an organization, the ‘I… Schiphol!’ program deliberately focused on each individual’s ‘personal responsibility’.

    First, employees were asked to fill in an organizational & cultural monitor from MeyerMonitor. The objective was to gain insights into the discrepancies between strategically important organizational capabilities and the current performance of strategy execution. The monitor brought up a few issues: “ambition level,” “appreciation and recognition,” “open and direct communication,” “entrepreneurship” and “bureaucracy”.

    Subsequently, the Board and management team held dialogue sessions with senior management to translate these issues into priorities and corporate values. An interesting insight Mul and Nijhuis derived from this process was that people do want to change if you involve them around why, what, how and when. “People want to be able to oversee the consequences.”

    Dutch source:

  • KPN is the leading telecommunications and ICT service provider in the Netherlands. On a yearly basis KPN organizes a tour of townhall meetings: Board of Directors in connection with employees. The main goal of these meetings is to inform employees about KPN’s strategy and investments.

    MeyerMonitor introduced a new and unique way of hosting the Board event: an organization-wide, 48-hour online strategy event, a sort of virtual tour. During this event, employees discussed various strategic topics with the Board and their colleagues. One Board member would be constantly online at all times. From the 28,000 people invited from all over the world, 9,300 qualitative comments were received. Reactions to this online strategic dialogue platform were very positive.

  • Brunel is a worldwide provider in the flexible deployment of professionals in Engineering, IT, Legal, Finance and the Oil & Gas Industry. Since 2009 multiple data and dialogue tools have been used there to measure strategy awareness, employee engagement, organizational execution power and leadership behavior.

    In an interview with Robeco's Safe magazine on the topic of Leadership, Brunel CEO Jan Arie van Barneveld described his experience with MeyerMonitor as a means to assess his organization's current performance and its future challenges.

    In his view, the methodology behind the CompanyMonitor provides him with valuable insights. The CompanyMonitor gives employees the ability to (anonymously) rate aspects of the organization on a current and desired scale.

    The outcomes of the 2011 CompanyMonitor, as mentioned in the interview, indicated improvement areas were Brunel´s image and communication from the top of the organization, while at the same time that employees were very satisfied with their jobs and that flexibility and a sense of entrepreneurship were among the company's strengths.*

    Brunel continues to grow as a result of investing in the right people. As part of developing their people, Brunel uses MeyerMonitors tools to measure their people’s view on the critical capabilities for realizing their strategy as seen at page 62 of their annual report of 2013. This creates a blueprint of their organization with which to manage alignment and the need for change.

    *Source: Safe Magazine April/May 2011

  • Since 2006 MeyerMonitor has supported Vopak, the world´s leading provider of tank storage infrastructure for bulk liquid products, with the mapping of its organizational capabilities, strategy awareness, employee engagement & leadership fundamentals/culture.

    In 2006 and 2008 MeyerMonitor surveyed the company's Top 350 with the Vopak Leadership Pulse, assessing the leading coalition’s strategy awareness, overall engagement and view on Vopak’s organizational capability to successfully execute its strategy.


    In 2008, the scope was expanded to a biannual Global Engagement Survey for all employees, including joint ventures. The objective was to get a clear picture of the levels of engagement, satisfaction, pride and retention, and what was driving these scores – in order to identify both global and local improvement areas.


    With a very high participation rate of 89%, the Global Engagement Survey and result-into-action presentations provided Vopak with a solid base for prioritizing actions and fine-tuning HR policies.

  • ABN AMRO Clearing Bank N.V. is a leading global clearer, clearing 16 million trades daily on 85 exchanges across Europe, the Americas and Asia Pacific. Since 2012 MeyerMonitor has supported ABN AMRO Clearing’s strategic dialogue; strengthening the organization’s focus and capabilities to realize its ultimate goal to make their clients globally competitive.

    MeyerMonitor supports ABN AMRO Clearing (AAC)’s strategic dialogue both online and offline, via the following interventions:

    1. Co-creating Strategy 2015 presentation with the AAC Global Management Team (GMT); translating existing strategic documents into a short, clear and inspiring transferable booklet & image.
    2. Measuring strategy awareness throughout the organization; indicating which areas of the organization are less aware and where a possible leading coalition is located.
    3. Activating the leading coalition by facilitating Top 120 strategy off-sites in Europe, America and Asia-Pacific; creating a community of Strategy 2015 ambassadors and inspiring & empowering management to spread the strategy throughout the company.
    4. Organizing global online strategy dialogue sessions with AAC’s GMT; giving all employees the opportunity to ask questions, deliver local input and share their thoughts around strategic topics and the road towards execution.
    5. Supporting with quarterly strategy updates, collecting, combining and analyzing local input after the off-sites and dialogue sessions; ensuring that strategic dialogue becomes a continuous process rather than a one-off presentation.

    As a result of the strategic dialogue process within AAC, the strategy was measurably more known and clear, local and global priorities were aligned and the organization started to continuously works together towards a common goal.

  • Since 2008 MeyerMonitor has supported Randstad Holding N.V. – the world's second-largest HR service provider – by measuring the engagement of its 30,000 employees spread over 48 operating companies, based in 38 countries.

    With one uniform global online survey, engagement, cultural aspects & business aspects are measured each year, leading to actionable reports on local, operating company and group levels.

    MeyerMonitor developed a custom model, analytics and reports for Randstad, which are reviewed regularly and updated when needed to maximize the usefulness of the research outcomes.

    Next to providing insightful data, MeyerMonitor supports Randstad with the translation of results into insights and actions on both worldwide and operating levels by providing templates and workshops.

  • Over the last 3 years MeyerMonitor has supported Wavin, a leading supplier of plastic pipe systems and solutions in Europe, to build a strategic dialogue platform around key strategic themes and company-wide initiatives.

    The purpose of this strategic dialogue platform is to use collective knowledge to solve and improve organizational challenges to accelerate the 2015 strategy execution. The Wavin 2015 Strategy consists of 5 pillars with specific key priorities and targets.


    Among other things, MeyerMonitor facilitated multiple online CEO dialogue sessions. Each session, the Wavin CEO challenged on average 100 employees to share their knowledge, local expertise, concerns and ideas on how to accelerate strategy execution.

  • AVEBE is an innovative company that processes potato starch and potato proteins. Partly due to the loss of EU funding in 2012, the Executive Committee (EC) redefined the strategy, resulting in a 70 pages-thick AVEBE Strategy 2018. The EC wanted to share the essence and priorities of this strategy document with all employees worldwide, starting at management level.

    To anchor the strategy, MeyerMonitor supported the EC in reducing the strategy to a clear Strategy 2018 booklet, supported by an animated cartoon. As a baseline, MeyerMonitor conducted a "Strategy Awareness" pulse check among the top 100 leaders of the company. The results showed a remarkable knowledge gap between the direct reports of the EC and the underlying management layers.


    MeyerMonitor facilitated a top 100 "Strategy Off-site." This day had an interactive program, starting with the "strategy pitch" by the CEO, followed by workshops in which the leading coalition was challenged to internalize the strategy, which empowered them to share key messages with their people and determine their 7 "golden leadership rules". This resulted in an activated, energized and strategically engaged leading coalition.

  • Meyn is the global number one poultry processing solution provider. One of the key improvement points in Meyn´s 2010 engagement survey was to communicate more and to give direction as to where the company was going. As a consequence, Meyn’s top management decided to go on a Vision 2015 roadshow in 2011 among all 1000 employees worldwide. MeyerMonitor partnered to co-design & create this roadshow.


    The results of our partnership were substantial: strategy awareness by Meyn management and key people – the top 150 - measured at the beginning and at the end of the roadshow increased by 20%. A striking comments from one manager was “you can’t go anywhere without hearing about the vision because everybody talks about it all the time".

    The process evoked enormous passion and energy among participants. In line with the assumption that strategically aware organizations show better bottom-line performances, Meyn outperformed its targets in 2011!


    MeyerMonitor assisted Meyn in three major steps throughout 2011:

    1. Condensing strategic data and documents into a transferable and inspiring story for everyone - including the almost 50% blue collar workers – the Vision 2015 booklet.


    2. Co-creation of a process through which more than 90% of all Meyn employees were personally involved with the Vision 2015 document; part of this process were 6 off-sites with 150 managers and and key people, together with various follow-up calls and online platforms - the Vision 2015 roadshow.


    3. Designing and facilitating the dialogues during the roadshow interventions to ensure that the groups of 30 to 40 people would interact constructively and develop their personal strategy pitch.


    Download Strategic_Dialogue_at_Meyn_2011-2013.pdf

  • In September 2011, Actelion cooperated with MeyerMonitor to organize a strategic off-site with its employees. MeyerMonitor framed and designed the flow of the day and facilitated the workshops. To have a clear starting point, strategy awareness among participating employees was measured before the event. The overall purpose of the day was to get the employees connected to the strategy and with each other. The results of the poll were discussed and evaluated during the workshop. Afterwards, every participant completed an online evaluation survey - reactions were extremely positive!

    As a knowledge organization in the medical industry, Actelion is dependent on the speed with which knowledge is shared and applied within the organization. Continuous online dialogue is an effective lever to share and co-create knowledge with speed and efficiency. The off-site served as the launch of the strategic dialogue among all Actelion employees in the Netherlands. Directly after the off-site, Actelion opened an internal twitter-feed, which is currently used by every employee to continuously share knowledge around client initiatives and medical developments. Besides that, in the week after the off-site, Actelion directly started to implement the takeaways from the workshop.


    Subsequently Actelion started to design their yearly strategic dialogue process ("strategic clock"), including strategy awareness measurements to assess and monitor the impact of off-sites and other interventions.

  • Theodoor Gilissen, one of the leading private banks in The Netherlands, conducted its follow-up people & culture scan in 2012. Like many financial service companies, Theodoor Gilissen started the process of adapting its service proposition to its clients in the aftermath of the financial crisis in 2009. One of the key challenges to demonstrate desired changes in its proposition towards clients was to change organizational capabilities and culture.

    MeyerMonitor assisted Theodoor Gilissen in measuring the impact of various change projectsdirected to supporting the capability of personnel and the organization as a whole to change. The survey showed that all four drivers for change has improved:


    1. Strategy awareness
    2. People engagement
    3. Organizational capability
    4. Leadership


    The positive results of the survey visibly motivated management and the key professionals to keep focus and further work on progress around people development and culture change.

  • Since 2008 City of The Hague has worked together with MeyerMonitor to measure the engagement of its 4,000 employees. Every year the city chooses a different engagement driver as a focus theme to develop. In 2008 the theme was “engagement,” in 2010 “leadership” and in 2011 “open & direct”.

    The periodic Engagement Monitor run by MeyerMonitor is a key opportunity to monitor, measure and manage the impact of initiatives taken around the yearly development themes. MeyerMonitor facilitates the City of The Hague to focus its organizational development around key priorities validated by its people. Services provided include highly interactive workshops, "insight into action" sessions and 360° surveys. 

  • Wessanen, one of the leading companies in the European organic food market, has worked together with MeyerMonitor for four years. The key objective of this partnership has been to increase the connectivity within the organization and to activate the organization towards its mission: “Our organic food, your natural choice.”

    Using its 4 C model, MeyerMonitor has conducted organizational surveys measuring strategy awareness, people engagement, organizational capability and leadership competence. For more information, see also Wessanen’s annual report. The latest outcomes show that overall focus and alignment has increased over the last four years. The intensive leadership development journey Wessanen is going through is paying off.


MeyerMonitor really aims at bringing more information than just statistics. Throughout the process the consultants got us really thinking as an organization how we could use the process to enhance strategic dialogue in our organization.

Courtney Foster
Project Leader


MeyerMonitor is a very thorough survey that provides direct access to strengths and weaknesses of the organization. The outcome is crisp and actionable. MeyerMonitor people really care about offering insights that help improve organizational performance.

Rogier Rijnja
Senior Vice President HR


Since 2009 MeyerMonitor is our partner in following and discussing progress on engagement, leadership and corporate values. This has led to meaningfull dialogue and important insights contributing to our value creation, not in the least because they asks the right questions and inspires.

Henk-Jan Maas
Manager HR


  • Ahold
  • KPN
  • Douwe Egberts
  • Akzo Nobel
  • ING
  • Meyn
  • ABN Amro
  • PWC
  • CSM
  • Randstad
  • FrieslandCampina
  • TGB
  • NSpyre
  • Logo Schiphol Group
  • Boer en Croon
  • Nike
  • Fortis
  • Numico
  • Yacht
  • How Company
  • Essent
  • Damen
  • Vodafone
  • Deloitte
  • Actelion
  • ONVZ
  • Strateon
  • Smit International
  • Sara Lee
  • De Baak
  • Neyenrode
  • Wavin
  • Gemeente Den Haag
  • Spencer Stuart
  • Brunel
  • Vopak
  • AbnAmro Clearing
  • Walraven
  • Aegon
  • Maxeda
  • Wessanen
  • TNT
  • Kone
  • NHS National Services Scotland
  • Sensor Universe
  • MN
  • Port of Rotterdam
  • Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit